Lidocaine Coupons & Prices

Aspercreme Lidocaine

Lidocaine is an FDA-approved generic prescription local anesthetic used to reduce pain and discomfort caused by skin irritations such as minor burns, scratches, cuts, sunburns, or insect bites. The average retail price of Lidocaine is around $283.86. You can pay $42.01 for 1, 30 patch Box by using a SingleCare Lidocaine coupon at participating pharmacies, such as CVS Pharmacy, Target, Rite Aid, Walmart Pharmacy, Kroger, and Walgreens.

0.5 Box10 patchEdit

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Lidocaine coupon at Kroger Pharmacy
$ 42.01
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Lidocaine coupon at Harris Teeter Pharmacy
$ 42.01
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Lidocaine coupon at Costco Pharmacy
$ 59.99
Lidocaine coupon at Walgreens Pharmacy
$ 64.01
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Lidocaine coupon at Walmart Neighborhood Market Pharmacy
$ 72.20
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Lidocaine coupon at Walmart Pharmacy
$ 72.20
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 73.40
$ 75.08
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  • Price with free sign-up


  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 87.92
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  • Price with free sign-up


  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup

About SingleCare Pricing

SingleCare’s prescription prices are based on multiple sources. The prices we publish are our best estimate, but we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact your pharmacy and provide the BIN/GRP/PCN numbers shown on your SingleCare card.

Any SingleCare bonus savings, including the $3 sign-up bonus, may only be used once.

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Lidocaine is an FDA-approved generic prescription local anesthetic used to reduce pain and discomfort caused by skin irritations such as minor burns, scratches, cuts, sunburns, or insect bites. The average retail price of Lidocaine is around $283.86. You can pay $42.01 for 1, 30 patch Box by using a SingleCare Lidocaine coupon at participating pharmacies, such as CVS Pharmacy, Target, Rite Aid, Walmart Pharmacy, Kroger, and Walgreens.

Lidocaine Price History & Information

Price History for Lidocaine

1 count, 30 patch

Our price history metrics are calculated from aggregate prescription data that we receive from all participating pharmacies. This chart updates daily to show new price fluctuations. If a data point is missing from the chart, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Average 12 Month Prices for Lidocaine

1 count, 30 patch
PharmacyLidocaine Retail PriceLidocaine SingleCare Price
CVS Pharmacy$276.73$99.94
Kroger Pharmacy$252.96$45.41
Albertsons Pharmacy$268.76$56.96
Rite Aid Pharmacy$267.68$70.68

These prices are based on the last 12 months of SingleCare prescription fill data by major pharmacy. This table updates daily to show the most accurate typical prices by pharmacies. If a data point is missing from the table, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Lidocaine FAQs

Medically reviewed by Gerardo SisonPharm.D.
Licensed Pharmacist

How much does Lidocaine cost without insurance?

Without insurance coverage, you may end up paying a cash price of $283.86 for your Lidocaine prescription. To save on this pricing, you may be able to use a SingleCare Lidocaine coupon and pay $42.01 for 1, 30 patch Box. These savings are redeemable at many local pharmacies, including Walmart, Kroger, Fry's, Harris Teeter, and Walgreens.

How much does Lidocaine cost with insurance?

The cost of Lidocaine with your insurance plan will vary depending on the level of coverage you have and the type of health insurance policy you are enrolled in. If you need help to determine the cost of Lidocaine with insurance, you can visit your local pharmacy and ask your pharmacist to check your total prescription cost. Using a SingleCare Lidocaine prescription discount card may also help you to save money by lowering the cost to $42.01 for 1, 30 patch Box of Lidocaine.

Does Medicare cover Lidocaine and how much does it cost?

Lidocaine is currently covered by Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans. Your average copays for Lidocaine with Medicare varies. You can also reduce your Lidocaine prescription costs by using a SingleCare savings card. Pay $42.01 for 1, 30 patch Box of Lidocaine when you use a SingleCare discount card at neighborhood drugstores.

What is the brand name of Lidocaine?

Lidocaine is a generic prescription drug that comes in different formulations produced by various manufacturers, including Akorn Pharmaceuticals and Amneal Pharmaceuticals. Brand-name versions of this drug include Lidoderm, LidoRx, Xylocaine, and LMX 4.

What is Lidocaine?

Lidocaine is a generic prescription local anesthetic used to reduce pain or discomfort caused by skin irritations such as minor burns, scratches, cuts, sunburns, or insect bites. This medication may also be used to decrease pain or discomfort during medical procedures. It works by temporarily causing numbness or loss of feeling in the mucous membranes and skin.

Read and follow all instructions provided on the product packaging before starting treatment with this medication. Lidocaine comes in the form of a topical cream that is meant for external use on the skin alone. Clean and dry the affected area before you apply this medication. Lidocaine is usually applied as a thin layer, usually two to three times per day. Wash your hands after you finish using this medication and avoid contact with your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Your doctor will recommend an appropriate dose for you based on an assessment of your current medical condition, other drugs you are currently taking, and your response to treatment. Do not use more of this medication than what is recommended by your doctor. Speak with your doctor before using Lidocaine, especially if there are sores or signs of infection in the affected area.

What are the side effects of Lidocaine?

Lidocaine may cause side effects such as stinging, redness, itching, irritation, and minor swelling around the site of application. Other side effects may include dry or cracked skin after applying the medication. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist if you experience any side effects, or if side effects worsen. 

Serious allergic reactions to this medication are rare. However, you should seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, such as severe itching, rash, swelling of the face or throat, severe dizziness, chest tightness, or trouble breathing.

Ask your doctor or healthcare professional for medical advice on the risks and benefits involved with using Lidocaine as this is not a complete list of side effects.

Medically reviewed by Gerardo SisonPharm.D.
Licensed Pharmacist

Gerardo Sison, Pharm.D., graduated from the University of Florida. He has worked in both community and hospital settings, providing drug information and medication therapy management services. As a medical writer, he hopes to educate and empower patients to better manage their health and navigate their treatment plans.
