Pravastatin Sodium Coupons & Prices


Pravastatin Sodium reduces “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and fats (triglycerides) in the bloodstream, both of which increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Pravastatin Sodium belongs to a family of popular cholesterol-reducing drugs called statins, which work by reducing the liver's production of cholesterol. Pravastatin Sodium retail price is $306.04 for 90, 40MG Tablet, but with a SingleCare Pravastatin Sodium coupon, the price is $12.28 for 90, 40mg Tablet. SingleCare Pravastatin Sodium coupons are accepted at many local pharmacies, like CVS, Walmart, Kroger, and Harris Teeter, among others.

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Pravastatin Sodium coupon at Kroger Pharmacy
$ 12.28
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Pravastatin Sodium coupon at Harris Teeter Pharmacy
$ 12.28
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$ 18.49
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Pravastatin Sodium coupon at Walmart Pharmacy
$ 18.49
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Pravastatin Sodium coupon at Cvs Pharmacy
$ 23.79
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Pravastatin Sodium coupon at Food Lion Pharmacy
$ 27.18
$ 28.77
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$ 69.55
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SingleCare’s prescription prices are based on multiple sources. The prices we publish are our best estimate, but we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact your pharmacy and provide the BIN/GRP/PCN numbers shown on your SingleCare card.

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Pravastatin Sodium reduces “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and fats (triglycerides) in the bloodstream, both of which increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Pravastatin Sodium belongs to a family of popular cholesterol-reducing drugs called statins, which work by reducing the liver's production of cholesterol. Pravastatin Sodium retail price is $306.04 for 90, 40MG Tablet, but with a SingleCare Pravastatin Sodium coupon, the price is $12.28 for 90, 40mg Tablet. SingleCare Pravastatin Sodium coupons are accepted at many local pharmacies, like CVS, Walmart, Kroger, and Harris Teeter, among others.

Pravastatin Sodium Price History & Information

Price History for Pravastatin Sodium

90 count, 40mg

Our price history metrics are calculated from aggregate prescription data that we receive from all participating pharmacies. This chart updates daily to show new price fluctuations. If a data point is missing from the chart, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Average 12 Month Prices for Pravastatin Sodium

90 count, 40mg
PharmacyPravastatin Sodium Retail PricePravastatin Sodium SingleCare Price
CVS Pharmacy$141.30$90.19
Kroger Pharmacy$120.60$17.43
Albertsons Pharmacy$223.69$49.61
Rite Aid Pharmacy$287.34$78.17

These prices are based on the last 12 months of SingleCare prescription fill data by major pharmacy. This table updates daily to show the most accurate typical prices by pharmacies. If a data point is missing from the table, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Pravastatin Sodium FAQs

How much does Pravastatin Sodium cost without insurance?

You will pay an average of $306.04 for 90, 40MG Tablet of Pravastatin Sodium without insurance, but $12.28 for 90, 40mg Tablet with a SingleCare Pravastatin Sodium coupon.

How much does Pravastatin Sodium cost with insurance?

Pravastatin Sodium copay costs may vary greatly depending on the brand, dosage, and your insurance plan. With SingleCare, Pravastatin Sodium costs as little as $12.28 for 90, 40mg Tablet, so you should ask your pharmacist to compare your SingleCare price with your insurance Pravastatin Sodium copay. A SingleCare savings card typically saves you up to 80% off on your prescription drugs.

Does Medicare cover Pravastatin Sodium and how much does it cost?

Pravastatin Sodium is covered by most Medicare prescription drug plans as a generic prescription drug. The brand-name version, Pravachol, is usually not covered by Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D. Patients without Medicare should bring their SingleCare Pravastatin Sodium coupon to their pharmacist. With a SingleCare discount card, the price of Pravastatin Sodium is $12.28 for 90, 40mg Tablet, which may be lower than most copays.

What is the brand name of Pravastatin Sodium?

Pravastatin Sodium is the generic name of a brand-name prescription drug, Pravachol, manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Generic Pravastatin Sodium is available from over a dozen different companies, including Teva, Watson, Zydus, Cipla, Glenmark, and several others. Search for generic Pravastatin Sodium or Pravachol on our website or app to find free coupons before visiting your pharmacy.

What is Pravastatin Sodium?

Pravastatin Sodium is a prescription drug that reduces “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and fats (triglycerides) in the bloodstream. Excess LDL creates plaques in blood vessels that increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart attack.

Pravastatin Sodium belongs to a family of popular cholesterol-reducing drugs called statins, which work by blocking proteins that are critical for making LDL cholesterol in the liver. Statins may help reduce cholesterol plaques that have already formed in blood vessels.

What are the side effects of Pravastatin Sodium?

The most serious side effects of Pravastatin Sodium are liver damage and increased blood sugar (Type 2 diabetes) in patients who have already been diagnosed with prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes. It is not uncommon for a prescribing physician to perform blood tests before and after starting Pravastatin Sodium.

The most common mental or mood changes that result from taking Pravastatin Sodium are memory loss and confusion, which can range from mild mental fuzziness to severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. These side effects improve when the medication is stopped. Consult with your prescribing physician if you experience confusion and memory loss while taking Pravastatin Sodium.

The most common physical side effect is muscle pain and cramping, which can range from mild weakness or soreness to severe pain. Consult with your physician if you experience serious muscle pain. Other physical side effects include, but are not limited to, headache, difficulty sleeping, drowsiness, dizziness, stomach cramps, and nausea.