Tnkase Coupons & Prices

Tnkase (tenecteplase) is a prescription injection that dissolves blood clots in patients who are having a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction). Tnkase is administered by healthcare professionals in an emergency room or hospital and is not available for purchase in consumer pharmacies. Tnkase normally retails for $6,640.43. SingleCare offers a free Tnkase coupon that lowers your price to $7,576.21. Ask if the hospital or clinic that administers Tnkase accepts SingleCare discount cards.

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Tnkase coupon at Cvs Pharmacy
$ 7,576
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Tnkase coupon at Kroger Pharmacy
$ 7,688
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Tnkase coupon at Harris Teeter Pharmacy
$ 7,688
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
Tnkase coupon at Food Lion Pharmacy
$ 7,760
Tnkase coupon at Rite Aid Pharmacy
$ 7,847
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Tnkase coupon at Walmart Neighborhood Market Pharmacy
$ 7,983
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  • Price with free sign-up


  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 7,983
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  • Price with free sign-up


  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 8,047
  • How is this calculated?

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  • Price with free sign-up


  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 8,397

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SingleCare’s prescription prices are based on multiple sources. The prices we publish are our best estimate, but we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact your pharmacy and provide the BIN/GRP/PCN numbers shown on your SingleCare card.

Any SingleCare bonus savings, including the $3 sign-up bonus, may only be used once.

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Tnkase (tenecteplase) is a prescription injection that dissolves blood clots in patients who are having a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction). Tnkase is administered by healthcare professionals in an emergency room or hospital and is not available for purchase in consumer pharmacies. Tnkase normally retails for $6,640.43. SingleCare offers a free Tnkase coupon that lowers your price to $7,576.21. Ask if the hospital or clinic that administers Tnkase accepts SingleCare discount cards.

Tnkase FAQs

How much does Tnkase cost without insurance?

Tnkase is never sold by local pharmacies or purchased by patients. Instead, it is purchased by hospitals from specialty pharmacies and injected by a physician at the hospital or clinic.

The retail price of Tnkase without insurance averages $6,640.43. If the hospital accepts a SingleCare discount card, you pay only $7,576.21 for that same Tnkase prescription.

How much does Tnkase cost with insurance?

Copay costs of Tnkase vary depending on your insurance plan. Tnkase will be reimbursed as a medical benefit and included with the copay cost for the procedure.

With SingleCare, Tnkase costs as little as $7,576.21 for 1, 1 kit Box. Ask your clinic or hospital case manager if they accept a SingleCare Tnkase coupon.

Does Medicare cover Tnkase and how much does it cost?

Medicare prescription drug plans do not pay for Tnkase prescriptions. Tnkase is instead covered by Medicare Part B as part of the emergency procedures involved in treating a heart attack. Tnkase is administered by a healthcare professional in a hospital during a medical emergency. SingleCare offers discount coupons for Tnkase which may reduce the cost of a Tnkase injection to $7,576.21. Ask your hospital's case manager about the eligibility of a SingleCare Tnkase coupon.

Is there a generic of Tnkase?

Tnkase is a brand-name prescription injection with the active ingredient, tenecteplase. There is no generic alternative to Tnkase.

What is Tnkase?

Tnkase (tenecteplase) is a prescription injection that dissolves blood clots in patients who are having a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction).

An acute myocardial infarction happens when arterial blood flow to the heart is blocked or slowed, usually by a blood clot. The patient will be immediately injected with blood thinners. Tnkase is also immediately injected to dissolve the blood clot.

Tnkase attaches to the fibers that glue together blood clots and begins a process that breaks down the fibers.

Tnkase is administered by a healthcare professional to patients with an acute myocardial infection as soon as possible. Tnkase is not sold to patients in consumer pharmacies.

What are the side effects of Tnkase?

Tnkase breaks apart blood clots, so the most common side effects of Tnkase are bleeding problems that could be serious and even fatal: internal bleeding in the brain, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system, lungs, and from any surgical wounds or needle punctures. Other common physical side effects include but are not limited to nausea, dizziness, and pancreas problems. Some patients will show allergic reactions. This is not a complete list of possible side effects. Your physician should be able to address all your concerns about side effects before you take Tnkase.