Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate Coupons & Prices


Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is a prescription antibiotic that contains a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate. It is part of a class of medications known as penicillin-like antibiotics. Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is used to treat various bacterial infections, including infections of the urinary tract, skin, lungs, and ears. It is usually taken two to three times per day, depending on the infection being treated. The average retail price of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is $97.62 for 20, 875-125MG Tablet. However, using a SingleCare Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon could lower the price to $8.07 for 20, 875-125mg Tablet.

6 Tablet875-125mgEdit

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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon at Kroger Pharmacy
$ 8.07
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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon at Harris Teeter Pharmacy
$ 8.07
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon at Rite Aid Pharmacy
$ 12.22
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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon at Walmart Neighborhood Market Pharmacy
$ 15.32
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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon at Walmart Pharmacy
$ 15.32
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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon at Costco Pharmacy
$ 15.99
$ 17.61
$ 18.56
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$ 22.21
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SingleCare’s prescription prices are based on multiple sources. The prices we publish are our best estimate, but we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact your pharmacy and provide the BIN/GRP/PCN numbers shown on your SingleCare card.

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Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is a prescription antibiotic that contains a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate. It is part of a class of medications known as penicillin-like antibiotics. Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is used to treat various bacterial infections, including infections of the urinary tract, skin, lungs, and ears. It is usually taken two to three times per day, depending on the infection being treated. The average retail price of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is $97.62 for 20, 875-125MG Tablet. However, using a SingleCare Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon could lower the price to $8.07 for 20, 875-125mg Tablet.

Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate Price History & Information

Price History for Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate

20 count, 875-125mg

Our price history metrics are calculated from aggregate prescription data that we receive from all participating pharmacies. This chart updates daily to show new price fluctuations. If a data point is missing from the chart, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Average 12 Month Prices for Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate

20 count, 875-125mg
PharmacyAmoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate Retail PriceAmoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate SingleCare Price
CVS Pharmacy$50.72$37.62
Kroger Pharmacy$30.32$12.75
Albertsons Pharmacy$73.12$15.17
Rite Aid Pharmacy$106.14$23.83

These prices are based on the last 12 months of SingleCare prescription fill data by major pharmacy. This table updates daily to show the most accurate typical prices by pharmacies. If a data point is missing from the table, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate FAQs

Medically reviewed by Gerardo SisonPharm.D.
Licensed Pharmacist

What is Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate?

Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is a commonly prescribed antibiotic used to treat various bacterial infections in the body. It contains a combination of two active ingredients: amoxicillin and clavulanate. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria in the body. Clavulanate, also known as clavulanic acid, helps prevent the bacteria from becoming resistant to amoxicillin. Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is more effective against a wider range of bacterial infections than amoxicillin alone. Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold or flu. 

What is the brand name of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate?

Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is also known by its brand name, Augmentin. Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate and Augmentin tablets contain the same active ingredients and work the same. However, Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate is a generic version that is usually cheaper than Augmentin. Talk to a doctor or pharmacist about the best option for you. 

What are the side effects of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate?

Like other medicines, Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate can cause side effects. Some common side effects of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and itching. Other side effects include headache, stomach pain, and gas. If you experience side effects or other unusual symptoms while taking Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate, it is important to seek medical advice. In rare cases, Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate can cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which require immediate medical attention.

How much does Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate cost without insurance?

Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate costs an average retail price of $97.62 for 20, 875-125MG Tablet. However, the retail price without insurance can vary based on the pharmacy location and the dosage prescribed. With a SingleCare Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon, you could get savings of up to 80% off the retail price. The current lowest price of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate through SingleCare is $8.07 for 20, 875-125mg Tablet.

How much does Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate cost with insurance?

Most insurance plans will help cover the cost of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate. The cost of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate with insurance depends on the type of insurance plan you have. Some insurance plans may require a copay or coinsurance payment. It’s best to check with your insurance provider or pharmacy to determine how much Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate will cost.

Does Medicare cover Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate and how much does it cost?

Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans may help cover the cost of Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate. However, the exact costs will depend on your specific Medicare plan and its formulary. If you don’t have Medicare coverage or haven’t met your deductible, you may be responsible for the full retail cost of the drug. With a SingleCare Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate coupon, you could get a discounted price of $8.07 for 20, 875-125mg Tablet. 

Medically reviewed by Gerardo SisonPharm.D.
Licensed Pharmacist

Gerardo Sison, Pharm.D., graduated from the University of Florida. He has worked in both community and hospital settings, providing drug information and medication therapy management services. As a medical writer, he hopes to educate and empower patients to better manage their health and navigate their treatment plans.
