What causes hip pain when sleeping on one side? Related conditions and treatments

Medically reviewed by Leslie GreenbergMD
Board-Certified Family Physician
Updated Mar. 22, 2024  •  Published Mar. 22, 2024
Fact Checked
What causes hip pain when sleeping on one side? Related conditions and treatments

Overview: What does hip pain when sleeping on one side feel like?

Hip pain when sleeping on one side is discomfort or unpleasant pressure in or around the hip joint when lying down. For some, this affects their quality of sleep. It is a common symptom in adults of all ages and activity levels.

This sensation is also described as lateral hip pain and can occur on one or both sides of the pelvis. It’s common for people who sleep on their side to develop pain in their hips.

Hip pain symptoms may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • Pain in the lower back, sometimes a radiating pain

  • Pain in the groin or buttocks

  • Pain or discomfort in the thigh, hip, or pelvis that feels very deep, as if in the bone

  • Pain when sitting with legs crossed, standing, or walking upstairs

  • Pain when getting in or out of a car, bathtub, or low chair

Key takeaways:

  • Hip pain when sleeping on one side is a common symptom that may be caused by conditions like hip bursitis (trochanteric bursitis), sciatica, osteoarthritis, hip tendonitis, scoliosis, fractures, poor sleep posture, or tight muscles.

  • Hip pain, when sleeping on one side, typically does not require immediate medical attention and may resolve without treatment.

  • Hip pain when sleeping on one side generally does require treatment if it does not resolve by itself within 2 weeks. It typically resolves with treatment within two weeks.

  • Treatments of hip pain when sleeping on one side vary by cause. Read more about treatments for bursitis, sciatica, arthritis, tendonitis, and scoliosis.

  • Hip pain when sleeping on one side may be managed with rest or light exercise (depending on the diagnosis), stretching, physical therapy, cold or warm compresses, over-the-counter pain medications, and changing sleep posture.

  • Use coupons for hip pain when sleeping on one side treatments, like Advil (ibuprofen), Motrin Ib (ibuprofen), and Tylenol (acetaminophen) to save up to 80%.

What causes hip pain when sleeping on one side?

The common causes of hip pain while sleeping on one side are not life-threatening conditions, but they can develop into more serious problems if left untreated.

Causes of hip pain while sleeping on one side include:

  • Hip bursitis is the inflammation of small, fluid-filled sacs between bones and soft tissues. When the sacs that cushion and lubricate the hip joints become irritated for any reason, it’s known as hip bursitis, trochanteric bursitis, or greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS)

  • Sciatica, which occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, pinched, or compressed, creates pain, tingling, and a burning sensation. Symptoms can manifest as hip pain while lying down.

  • Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can cause severe hip pain that becomes aggravated through movement or while sleeping on one side.

  • Hip tendonitis is when muscles or ligaments in the hip become inflamed, irritated, or torn. This is sometimes caused by overuse.

  • Scoliosis, a condition where the spine curves or twists, can produce hip pain.

  • Fractures to the hip or pelvic bones can be very painful when pressure is put on the area.

  • Poor sleep posture can result in hip pain while sleeping on one side. One may find that sleeping on a mattress that is too hard or too soft can also create hip pain.

  • Tight muscles can also cause pain in the hip when sleeping on one side.

  • Leg length discrepancy can also cause pain due to the spine not being straight and muscles in the back and hips needing to lengthen or contract all day while walking.

Other habits or tendencies that can cause hip pain include:

  • Hanging one hip while standing

  • Carrying a child or baby on the hip

  • Crossing of the legs while sitting

  • Sitting on low chairs

  • Sitting with feet wide and knees together

Some people are at greater risk for experiencing hip pain when sleeping on one side causes, including those who:

  • Are female, aged 40–60

  • Are pregnant

  • Are side sleepers

  • Suddenly started exercising a lot

  • Have fallen or experienced other physical trauma

  • Have a history of conditions like arthritis, sciatica, or greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS)

Should I be worried about hip pain when sleeping on one side?

Hip pain while sleeping on one side is a common symptom, though nighttime hip pain often interrupts sleep, and well-being and restfulness.

The most common causes of hip pain while sleeping on one side are not life-threatening and can be managed at home or with outpatient medical treatment or natural remedies. However, some causes, when left untreated, can develop into serious or chronic problems.

If the pain has not gone away with at-home treatment within two weeks, or if the hips hurt for more than half an hour after waking up, make an appointment to see a healthcare provider so they can diagnose the source of the problem.

Seek immediate medical help in an emergency if:

  • The pain began after a fall, an accident, or other trauma

  • The pain is so severe it interrupts sleep or makes it impossible to move

  • Either leg is swollen or out of place

  • Onset of fever or chills

People with a history of conditions like arthritis or sciatica may be at risk for developing long-term problems and should seek medical attention from a general practitioner or orthopedist. If left untreated, hip pain while side sleeping can lead to:

How is the cause of hip pain when sleeping on one side diagnosed?

Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of pain when sleeping on one side. When visiting a provider for an evaluation, they may begin by asking questions about any symptoms, habits, and other health conditions. For example:

  • How long has the hip pain been going on?

  • Describe the type of pain being felt. Is it sharp or dull? Constant or periodic? 

  • Does the pain occur only when lying down?

  • What makes the pain better or worse?

  • On a pain scale from 1-10, what is this pain?

  • Is there also lower back pain?

  • Is there a feeling of pain elsewhere?

  • Is there pain or any difficulty putting on socks? When walking upstairs? What about when getting into or out of a car or low seat?

  • Are there other symptoms, like numbness, urinary or stool incontinence, tingling, or weakness in the hip or lower back?

The healthcare provider will likely conduct several tests and/or physical examinations:

  • A physical exam to evaluate the overlying skin, range of motion, and identify positions that aggravate the pain

  • A physical exam to evaluate standing posture

  • An ultrasound to explore the possibility of tendonitis, fluid-collection, or tendon tears

  • Imaging like X-rays are the first-line of imaging to rule out fractures or hip abnormalities

  • A CT scan or MRIs may subsequently be done but are not done first 

An internist or family physician may recommend a referral to an orthopedist for bone or joint issues or physical therapist for muscle and rehabilitation.

How long does hip pain when sleeping on one side last?

How long hip pain while sleeping on one side lasts depends on the cause of the problem. Brief, mild hip pain may resolve on its own or with at-home treatment in a few weeks, while some conditions like arthritis are chronic and require ongoing interventions. 

If hip pain lasts for more than two weeks with rest and at-home care, or if pain is still felt more than 30 minutes after getting out of bed, consult a healthcare provider. 

How to stop hip pain when sleeping on one side

How to treat hip pain when sleeping on one side depends on the underlying cause of the problem, which a healthcare provider must diagnose.

A doctor may recommend at-home treatments and lifestyle changes, like:

  • Rest (for some conditions, like sciatica, bed rest may not be recommended) 

  • Exercise or stretching

  • Applying an ice pack or heating pad to the affected hip

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications, like Aspirin, Advil (ibuprofen), Motrin Ib (ibuprofen), and Tylenol (acetaminophen)

  • A change in sleeping posture by putting a pillow between the knees or sleeping on the back or stomach

  • Trying a new mattress that is firmer or softer

Once diagnosed, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication to help alleviate the symptoms of your condition:

Some hip pain treatments require procedures. In more serious cases or when the cause of hip pain is in an advanced stage, your doctor may recommend surgical intervention like joint replacement to correct or mitigate the problem. 

Only a doctor can tell the best way to get rid of hip pain when sleeping on one side.

Living with hip pain when sleeping on one side

The best way to manage hip pain that occurs when sleeping on one side depends on the source of the problem. A healthcare provider can recommend the right course of treatment based on diagnosis and lifestyle.

A healthcare provider may recommend a variety of at-home therapies to relieve hip pain, including:

  • Exercising, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight

  • Using oral pain relievers like Acetaminophen or topical pain relievers like Capsaicin

  • Taking nutritional supplements or vitamins

  • Warm or cold compresses

  • Stretching

  • Sleeping position adjustment

Most importantly, hip pain while sleeping on one side is treatable

Hip pain when sleeping on one side causes may include hip bursitis, sciatica, osteoarthritis, hip tendonitis, scoliosis, fractures, poor sleep posture, and tight muscles.

The cause of hip pain when sleeping on one side may resolve on its own without treatment. However, if hip pain when sleeping on one side continues, worsens, or is accompanied by fever or chills, swelling, severe pain, numbness, incontinence, tingling, or the inability to move, it could be a sign of fracture or infection and require emergency medical care.

Only a healthcare provider can rule out infection or other serious health conditions. Visit a doctor to determine the best treatment for hip pain when sleeping on one side.

What’s next? Additional resources for people with hip pain when sleeping on one side

Test and diagnostics


Scientific studies and clinical trials

Medically reviewed by Leslie GreenbergMD
Board-Certified Family Physician

Leslie Greenberg, MD, is a board-certified practicing family physician with more than 25 years of doctoring experience. She was a psychology major at Northwestern University near Chicago, then graduated with an MD from the University of Nevada School of Medicine. She completed her family medicine residency at St. Joseph Hospital in Wichita, Kansas. She has trained more than 350 family medicine resident-physicians, been in private practice, and delivered babies for 22 years.
