Bicillin L-A Coupons & Prices

Bicillin L-A is a brand-name prescription antibiotic injection used to treat severe bacterial infections that require low, continuous penicillin therapy. The active ingredient in Bicillin L-A, penicillin g potassium or benzylpenicillin, is prescribed to patients with bacterial infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, anthrax, syphilis, gonorrhea, Lyme disease, syphilis, and other infections. Bicillin L-A is administered as a deep intramuscular injection by a healthcare provider at a hospital or clinic, so it is not purchased by the patient at a pharmacy. Bicillin L-A costs $870.53 for 1, 4ML of 2400000UNIT/4ML Syringe of Bicillin L-Aat most clinics or hospitals, but the price charged may vary widely. SingleCare could reduce that price to $572.88 for 1, 4ml of 2400000unit/4ml Syringe if the clinic or hospital administering Bicillin L-A will accept a SingleCare Bicillin L-A coupon.

1 Syringe1ml of 600000unit/mlEdit

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Bicillin L-A coupon at Cvs Pharmacy
$ 572.88
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Bicillin L-A coupon at Kroger Pharmacy
$ 576.23
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Bicillin L-A coupon at Harris Teeter Pharmacy
$ 576.23
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Bicillin L-A coupon at Rite Aid Pharmacy
$ 590.34
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Bicillin L-A coupon at Walmart Neighborhood Market Pharmacy
$ 599.57
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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Bicillin L-A coupon at Walmart Pharmacy
$ 599.57
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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$ 601.18
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  • Signup bonus and member savings are automatically applied to your price when you fill an eligible prescription.

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About SingleCare Pricing

SingleCare’s prescription prices are based on multiple sources. The prices we publish are our best estimate, but we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact your pharmacy and provide the BIN/GRP/PCN numbers shown on your SingleCare card.

Any SingleCare bonus savings, including the $3 sign-up bonus, may only be used once.

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Bicillin L-A is a brand-name prescription antibiotic injection used to treat severe bacterial infections that require low, continuous penicillin therapy. The active ingredient in Bicillin L-A, penicillin g potassium or benzylpenicillin, is prescribed to patients with bacterial infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, anthrax, syphilis, gonorrhea, Lyme disease, syphilis, and other infections. Bicillin L-A is administered as a deep intramuscular injection by a healthcare provider at a hospital or clinic, so it is not purchased by the patient at a pharmacy. Bicillin L-A costs $870.53 for 1, 4ML of 2400000UNIT/4ML Syringe of Bicillin L-Aat most clinics or hospitals, but the price charged may vary widely. SingleCare could reduce that price to $572.88 for 1, 4ml of 2400000unit/4ml Syringe if the clinic or hospital administering Bicillin L-A will accept a SingleCare Bicillin L-A coupon.

Bicillin L-A Price History & Information

Price History for Bicillin L-A

1 count, 4ml of 2400000unit/4ml

Our price history metrics are calculated from aggregate prescription data that we receive from all participating pharmacies. This chart updates daily to show new price fluctuations. If a data point is missing from the chart, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Average 12 Month Prices for Bicillin L-A

1 count, 4ml of 2400000unit/4ml
PharmacyBicillin L-A Retail PriceBicillin L-A SingleCare Price
CVS Pharmacy$544.47$489.66
Kroger Pharmacy$638.07$515.47
Albertsons Pharmacy$577.68$555.44
Rite Aid Pharmacy$696.60$551.67

These prices are based on the last 12 months of SingleCare prescription fill data by major pharmacy. This table updates daily to show the most accurate typical prices by pharmacies. If a data point is missing from the table, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Bicillin L-A FAQs

How much does Bicillin L-A cost without insurance?

The full cost of Bicillin L-A will be $870.53 for 1, 4ML of 2400000UNIT/4ML Syringe of Bicillin L-A. That will be the cost charged by the hospital or clinic administering the injections. That same prescription could cost $572.88 using a SingleCare savings card. Ask the case manager at the clinic where you receive Bicillin L-A injections if they will accept a SingleCare discount card if you're paying cash for Bicillin L-A.

How much does Bicillin L-A cost with insurance?

The copay cost of Bicillin L-A varies greatly depending on your insurance plan and the price set by the clinic or hospital where the injection is administered. With SingleCare, Bicillin L-A costs only $572.88. You will typically not purchase Bicillin L-A at a pharmacy. It is administered by a healthcare professional at a clinic or hospital.

Does Medicare cover Bicillin L-A and how much does it cost?

Bicillin L-A is usually covered by Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage prescription drug plans. Patients without Medicare coverage of Bicillin L-A could use a SingleCare Bicillin L-A coupon to reduce their cost to as little as $572.88 for 1, 4ml of 2400000unit/4ml Syringe. Talk to your patient advisor at the hospital or clinic where you have received Bicillin L-A injections to find out if they accept SingleCare.

Is there a generic of Bicillin L-A?

Bicillin L-A is a brand-name prescription penicillin injection. Other brand-name versions include Pfizerpen and Permapen. Generic Bicillin L-A is sold as penicillin g potassium and is available from manufacturers such as Fresenius Kabi, Athenex, and Sandoz. You can find SingleCare savings coupons for Pfizerpen and generic penicillin g potassium on the SingleCare website.

What is Bicillin L-A?

Bicillin L-A is a brand-name penicillin injection administered to patients with bacterial infections that require lower-dose, continuous penicillin treatment. The active ingredient in Bicillin L-A is benzylpenicillin (or potassium g penicillin) and is a natural penicillin. Bicillin L-A is highly effective at killing a wide range of bacteria that cause pneumonia, meningitis, anthrax, diphtheria, syphilis, Lyme disease, gonorrhea, listeria, rat-bite fever, blood infections, erysipeloid (bacterial infection of the skin), and others.

Penicillin drugs kill bacteria by interfering with their ability to form a cell wall. As the bacteria cell walls deteriorate, the cell contents spill out and the bacteria die.

Bicillin L-A is administered as a deep intramuscular injection by a physician. The dose will depend on the severity of the underlying infection.

What are the side effects of Bicillin L-A?

The most common side effects of Bicillin L-A are temporary site reactions to the injection such as pain, redness, and swelling. Other common side effects include nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, dizziness, and feeling tired.

Mental and mood changes are very rare and include confusion, agitation, and possibly hallucinations.

Bicillin L-A allergies are common, particularly in patients who have previously been exposed to penicillin. Allergic reactions include hives, rashes, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. The most serious allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock, a dangerous and potentially fatal drop in blood pressure. Seek emergency medical help if you notice signs of an allergic reaction after a Bicillin L-A injection.