Tri-Luma Coupons & Prices

Tri-Luma is a brand-name prescription cream used for short-term treatment of facial melasma, a skin pigmentation condition characterized by brown or gray patches on the face. The active ingredients in Tri-Luma are a corticosteroid (fluocinolone), a pigment-reducing drug (hydroquinone), and a vitamin A derivative (tretinoin) that helps repair damaged skin. The pharmacy price of Tri-Luma is $322.17, but with SingleCare's Tri-Luma coupon, it costs only $249.67 for 1, 30gm of 0.01-4-0.05% Tube Of Cream. Find out more about Tri-Luma in our FAQs below: what it is, how it works, how much it costs, and how to save money on your prescription.

0.5 Tube Of Cream30gm of 0.01-4-0.05%Edit

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Tri-Luma coupon at Kroger Pharmacy
$ 249.67
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Tri-Luma coupon at Harris Teeter Pharmacy
$ 249.67
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Tri-Luma coupon at Cvs Pharmacy
$ 251.33
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Tri-Luma coupon at Rite Aid Pharmacy
$ 257.16
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Tri-Luma coupon at Food Lion Pharmacy
$ 258.21
Tri-Luma coupon at Walgreens Pharmacy
$ 259.28
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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 260.58
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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 260.58
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Price with signup$3 off with signupwith signup
$ 278.17

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SingleCare’s prescription prices are based on multiple sources. The prices we publish are our best estimate, but we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact your pharmacy and provide the BIN/GRP/PCN numbers shown on your SingleCare card.

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Tri-Luma is a brand-name prescription cream used for short-term treatment of facial melasma, a skin pigmentation condition characterized by brown or gray patches on the face. The active ingredients in Tri-Luma are a corticosteroid (fluocinolone), a pigment-reducing drug (hydroquinone), and a vitamin A derivative (tretinoin) that helps repair damaged skin. The pharmacy price of Tri-Luma is $322.17, but with SingleCare's Tri-Luma coupon, it costs only $249.67 for 1, 30gm of 0.01-4-0.05% Tube Of Cream. Find out more about Tri-Luma in our FAQs below: what it is, how it works, how much it costs, and how to save money on your prescription.

Tri-Luma Price History & Information

Price History for Tri-Luma

1 count, 30gm of 0.01-4-0.05%

Our price history metrics are calculated from aggregate prescription data that we receive from all participating pharmacies. This chart updates daily to show new price fluctuations. If a data point is missing from the chart, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Average 12 Month Prices for Tri-Luma

1 count, 30gm of 0.01-4-0.05%
PharmacyTri-Luma Retail PriceTri-Luma SingleCare Price
CVS Pharmacy$277.43$244.10
Kroger Pharmacy$293.28$239.42
Albertsons Pharmacy$291.17$245.66
Rite Aid Pharmacy$298.36$248.34

These prices are based on the last 12 months of SingleCare prescription fill data by major pharmacy. This table updates daily to show the most accurate typical prices by pharmacies. If a data point is missing from the table, it is because we do not have enough data to produce a reliable figure.

Tri-Luma FAQs

Medically reviewed by Karen BergerPharm.D.
Licensed Pharmacist

How much does Tri-Luma cost without insurance?

Uninsured customers will pay $322.17, but Tri-Luma prices can vary. Visit any participating pharmacy and pay only $249.67 for 1, 30gm of 0.01-4-0.05% Tube Of Cream with a SingleCare Tri-Luma coupon. Your SingleCare prescription discount card can reduce your prescription drug prices by up to 80%.

How much does Tri-Luma cost with insurance?

Tri-Luma is not always covered by insurance plans. If your insurance does provide coverage for Tri-Luma, your copay with insurance will vary. Ask your pharmacist to compare your insurance copay to SingleCare. You may find a SingleCare discount card saves you more money than insurance–with SingleCare, Tri-Luma costs only $249.67 for 1, 30gm of 0.01-4-0.05% Tube Of Cream.

Does Medicare cover Tri-Luma and how much does it cost?

Tri-Luma is usually not covered by Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. Patients with Medicare can rely on a SingleCare Tri-Luma coupon for significant savings on Tri-Luma at major pharmacies around the country, such as CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Longs Drugs, Duane Reade, and many others.

Is there a generic of Tri-Luma?

Tri-Luma is a brand-name prescription skin cream with fluocinolone, hydroquinone, and tretinoin. There are no other brand-name or generic alternatives available at this time with these three active ingredients.

What is Tri-Luma?

Tri-Luma is a brand-name prescription cream that treats facial melasma, a skin pigmentation condition characterized by brown or gray patches on the face. Melasma is usually caused by a sensitivity to female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterones. Pregnancy, birth control pills, and hormone therapy are common causes, but stress and thyroid conditions can also cause melasma. Whatever the cause, exposure to the sun greatly increases the problem, so Tri-Luma therapy also involves sun avoidance and use of sunscreen.

The active ingredients in Tri-Luma are a corticosteroid (fluocinolone) to reduce swelling, a pigment-reducing drug (hydroquinone) to block melanin production, and a retinoid (tretinoin or “synthetic vitamin A”) that helps repair skin damaged by the sun.

What doses of Tri-Luma are available?

Tri-Luma is applied as a thin layer over the affected skin area 30 minutes before bedtime once daily. The cream should be gently rubbed into the skin. The cream should be applied to the affected area as well as the ½ inch of normally-pigmented skin surrounding the affected area. Patients should avoid sunlight, wear protective clothing, and use sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when exposed to sunlight. Tri-Luma is discontinued when the underlying condition is under control. Tri-Luma is for short-term treatment, not long-term maintenance. However, when Tri-Luma is discontinued, melasma often returns, so your healthcare professional may prescribe a different treatment.

What are the side effects of Tri-Luma?

The side effects of Tri-Luma are very common and many are temporary site reactions to Tri-Luma, such as redness, burning, peeling, dryness, itching, and tingling (paresthesia). Other common side effects of Tri-Luma include acne and pigment changes. More serious but very rare side effects are the result of one of the active ingredients, fluocinolone, being absorbed into the bloodstream. Symptoms include thinning skin, hair loss, weakness, tiredness, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, and irritability.

Allergic reactions are rare. If you experience an allergic reaction, such as facial swelling, trouble breathing, or rash, discontinue use of Tri-Luma and get emergency medical attention.

Medically reviewed by Karen BergerPharm.D.
Licensed Pharmacist

After receiving her doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, Karen Berger, Pharm.D., has worked in both chain and independent community pharmacies. She currently works at an independent pharmacy in New Jersey. Dr. Berger enjoys helping patients understand medical conditions and medications—both in person as a pharmacist, and online as a medical writer and reviewer.
